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Catholic Church
Vaticanum II Antichurch
Liturgical chant
Ordinarium Missae
Proprium Sanctorum
Tempus Adventus (Advent)
Tempus Nativitatis (Christmas)
Tempus per Annum post Epiphaniam (Ordinary Time after Epiphany)
Quadragesima (Lent)
Tempore Paschale (Easter)
Tempus post Pentecosten (Ordinary Time after Pentecost)
Canticum (Songs)
Ad caenam Agni
Adoremus in aeternum
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Alma Redemptoris Mater (tonus solemnis)
Asperges me
Attende Domine
Ave Maria
Ave Maris Stella
Ave Regina Caelorum
Ave Regina Caelorum (tonus solemnis)
Ave verum Corpus
Concordi laetitia
Crux fidelis
Dies irae
Ecce Nomen Domini
Ecce panis angelorum
Exaudi nos Domine
Gloria laus
Iesu dulcis amor meus
Lauda Sion
Pange lingua gloriosi
Panis angelicus
Parce Domine
Regina Caeli
Regina Caeli (tonus solemnis)
Rorate caeli
Salve festa dies
Salve Mater misericordiae
Salve Regina
Salve Regina (tonus solemnis)
Stabat Mater
Tantum ergo sacramentum
Te Deum laudamus
Ubi caritas
Veni Creator Spiritus
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Victimae paschali
Vidi aquam
Prayer and Hours
Little hours to the Holy Name of Jesus
Little hours to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of the Saints
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus
Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Lord Jesus
Litany of Loreto of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of Saint Joseph
The act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Divine praises
Catholic Church
Vaticanum II Antichurch
Liturgical chant
Ordinarium Missae
Proprium Sanctorum
Tempus Adventus (Advent)
Tempus Nativitatis (Christmas)
Tempus per Annum post Epiphaniam (Ordinary Time after Epiphany)
Quadragesima (Lent)
Tempore Paschale (Easter)
Tempus post Pentecosten (Ordinary Time after Pentecost)
Canticum (Songs)
Ad caenam Agni
Adoremus in aeternum
Alma Redemptoris Mater
Alma Redemptoris Mater (tonus solemnis)
Asperges me
Attende Domine
Ave Maria
Ave Maris Stella
Ave Regina Caelorum
Ave Regina Caelorum (tonus solemnis)
Ave verum Corpus
Concordi laetitia
Crux fidelis
Dies irae
Ecce Nomen Domini
Ecce panis angelorum
Exaudi nos Domine
Gloria laus
Iesu dulcis amor meus
Lauda Sion
Pange lingua gloriosi
Panis angelicus
Parce Domine
Regina Caeli
Regina Caeli (tonus solemnis)
Rorate caeli
Salve festa dies
Salve Mater misericordiae
Salve Regina
Salve Regina (tonus solemnis)
Stabat Mater
Tantum ergo sacramentum
Te Deum laudamus
Ubi caritas
Veni Creator Spiritus
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Victimae paschali
Vidi aquam
Prayer and Hours
Little hours to the Holy Name of Jesus
Little hours to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of the Saints
Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus
Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Lord Jesus
Litany of Loreto of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of Saint Joseph
The act of consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Divine praises
Tempus post Pentecosten (Ordinary Time after Pentecost)
Sancta Missa
Liturgical chant
Tempus post Pentecosten (Ordinary Time after Pentecost)
In festo Sanctissimi Trinitatis (Trinity Sunday)
Dominica I post Pentecosten (I Sunday after Pentecost)
Feria quinta infra Octavam Sanctissimae Trinitatis in Festo Sanctissimi Corporis Christi (Thursday during the octave of Pentecost, Corpus Christi)
Dominica II post Pentecosten infra Octavam Sanctissimi Corporis Christi (II Sunday after Pentecost during the octave of Corpus Christi)
Dominica III post Pentecosten (III Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica IV post Pentecosten (IV Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica V post Pentecosten (V Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica VI post Pentecosten (VI Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica VII post Pentecosten (VII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica VIII post Pentecosten (VIII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica IX post Pentecosten (IX Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica X post Pentecosten (X Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XI post Pentecosten (XI Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XII post Pentecosten (XII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XIII post Pentecosten (XIII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XIV post Pentecosten (XIV Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XV post Pentecosten (XV Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XVI post Pentecosten (XVI Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XVII post Pentecosten (XVII Sunday after Pentecost)
Feria IV Quatuor Temporum Septembris (Ember Wednesday of September)
Feria VI Quatuor Temporum Septembris (Ember Friday of September)
Sabbato Quatuor Temporum Septembris (Ember Saturday of September)
Dominica XVIII post Pentecosten (XVIII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XIX post Pentecosten (XIX Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XX post Pentecosten (XX Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XXI post Pentecosten (XXI Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XXII post Pentecosten (XXII Sunday after Pentecost)
Dominica XXIII post Pentecosten (XXIII Sunday after Pentecost)