Antipope heretic Joseph Alois Ratzinger aka Benedict XVI
(19.04.2005 – 28.02.2013)
As an Anticardinal, Ratzinger was the right hand of a much older heretic Karl Rahner who, along with other heretic Hans Küng, took control of the heretical Vatican II Council.
Acting in a rational way to achieve this purpose, they used the so-called European Coalition, a well-organized and well-known group of antibishops coming from Northern Europe, which ruled this Council.
Already in his first speech as an Antipope, Benedict XVI assured the anticardinals that he would continue reforms of the Vatican II sect and would continue to seek closer relations with false religions through false ecumenism.
He claimed that Catholics could already reject the great Syllabus of 1864, the Catholic Pope Pius IX, because:
The Second Vatican Council is an antisyllabus.
Antipope Benedict XVI heresies
Antipope Benedict XVI completely rejected faith in the Son of God as a necessary condition for salvation!
In his book “Miles Stones” (pp. 53-54) he wrote:
I have ever more come to the realization that Judaism and the Christian Faith, described in the New Testament are two ways of appropriating Israel scriptures (…). The scripture we today call Old Testament is in itself open to both ways.
He declares that the Scriptures are open to the Jewish point of view of Jesus that Jesus is not the Son of God.
Antipope Benedict XVI in the book “God and the World” (p. 150-151) wrote:
Their (the Jews) NO to Christ, brings Israelis into conflict with subsequent acts of God. But at the same time, we know, they are assured of their God’s faithfulness. They are not excluded from salvation.
It is a total rejection of faith in the Son of God as a necessary condition for salvation and Catholic Dogmas. And also the complete opposite of what Saint Peter confessed to Christ before he was called by him to the first Pope of the Catholic Church.
On August 19, 2005, on Friday, Antipope Benedict XVI arrived to the jewish synagogue in Cologne, Germany, and took an active part in the Jewish service. He was not only an integral part of the Jewish ritual, but his most important person. This is a mortal sin against the I commandment and a public act of apostasy.
The spirit of the “evangelization” of Antichrist Antichurch does not require the conversion of Jews to the Catholic Faith.
The Catholic Church has always said that Judaism is not a religion of the Old Testament.
The Old Testament religion was a preparation for the New Testament, and so it was an announcement of Jesus Christ, which she accepted with some respect. All the Jews of true Faith in the Old Testament, believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, followed him, becoming Christians, and it was from them that Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church.
Judaism arose from the rejection of Jesus Christ and is the main weapon of Satan to fight against the One True God revealed in the Holy Trinity, because he directly rejects the divinity of the Son of God.
Be it known to you all and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him, this man standeth here before you, whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts of The Apostles 4, 10-12)
Be it known to you all and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him, this man standeth here before you, whole. This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts of The Apostles 4, 10-12)
The words of Antipope Benedict XVI addressed on April 6, 2006 to the youth of “the diocese” of Rome, in preparation for the 21st World Youth Day:
In the end, to reach the definitive question I would say: God exists or he does not exist. There are only two options. Either one recognizes the priority of reason, of creative Reason that is at the beginning of all things and is the principle of all things – the priority of reason is also the priority of freedom -, or one holds the priority of the irrational, inasmuch as everything that functions on our earth and in our lives would be only accidental, marginal, an irrational result – reason would be a product of irrationality. One cannot ultimately “prove” either project, but the great option of Christianity is the option for rationality and for the priority of reason. This seems to me to be an excellent option, which shows us that behind everything is a great Intelligence to which we can entrust ourselves.
Therefore, the existence of God is for Antipope Benedict XVI only an option, convincing, but not “proven”.
This is contrary to the Oath against modernism that Catholic priests place on their day of ordination:
I profess that God, the origin and end of all things, can be known with certainty by the natural light of reason from the created world (Rom 1, 20)
And also contrary to the Dogmatic Constitution ‘Dei Filius’:
If someone says that one and true God, the Creator and our Lord, can not be known in a certain way from creatures with the help of the natural light of reason – let him be anathema!
In October 2011, the antipope heretic Benedict XVI presided over the third edition of the Abomination known as Assisi III.
In the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels, a Hindu (pantheist) stood up and said the following prayer:
Oh, Lord, the infinite number of bodies! I see you in every hand and leg, in every eye and head, in every name and person. I bow down before you in each of them.
Then, the god and goddess of Yoruba religion was approached, specifically to Ifa and his companion Olukum.
“Professor” Wande Abimbola from Nigeria, who made the call, said:
We must always remember that our own religion, in equal measure with the beliefs practiced by others, is important and valuable in the eyes of the Almighty who created us all with so many different ways of life and religious systems.
Catholic Pope Pius XI in the encyclical “Mortalium animos” from 1928 defines the Catholic attitude to such blasphemies:
For which reason conventions, meetings and addresses are frequently arranged by these persons, at which a large number of listeners are present, and at which all without distinction are invited to join in the discussion, both infidels of every kind, and Christians, even those who have unhappily fallen away from Christ or who with obstinacy and pertinacity deny His divine nature and mission. Certainly such attempts can nowise be approved by Catholics, founded as they are on that false opinion which considers all religions to be more or less good and praiseworthy, since they all in different ways manifest and signify that sense which is inborn in us all, and by which we are led to God and to the obedient acknowledgment of His rule. Not only are those who hold this opinion in error and deceived, but also in distorting the idea of true religion they reject it, and little by little turn aside to naturalism and atheism, as it is called. From which it clearly follows that one who supports those who hold these theories and attempt to realize them, is altogether abandoning the divinely revealed religion.
Saint Paul, however, clearly admonishes:
But the things which the heathens sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God. And I would not that you should be made partakers with devils. You cannot drink the chalice of the Lord and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers of the table of the Lord and of the table of devils. (1 Cor 10, 20-21)
The heretic Joseph Alois Ratzinger was a propagator of the heresy of dogmatic evolutionism:
What we need, however, is respect for the beliefs of others and the readiness to look for the truth in what strikes us as strange or foreign; for such truth concerns us and can correct us and lead us farther along the path (…) Furthermore, I need to be willing to allow my narrow understanding of truth to be broken down. I shall learn my own truth better if I understand the other person and allow myself to be moved along the road to the God who is ever greater, certain that I never hold the whole truth about God in my own hands but am always a learner, on pilgrimage toward it, on a path that has no end. – “Many Religions – One Covenant” (1998), p. 110
This Heresy was condemned by the Catholic Pope Pius X and rejected completely in the Oath against modernism:
Therefore, I entirely reject the heretical misrepresentation that dogmas evolve and change from one meaning to another different from the one which the Church held previously. – Pope Pius X, The Oath against modernism
He was also attached to the modernist heretical conception of faith as the religious experience of every human being, different from the real religion, that is, its set of dogmas, liturgical rules and principles of discipline.
From the Protestant heretic Karl Barth, he argued that religion can be corrupted, and therefore must be subject to constant purification by faith that is different from religion and dialogue with other religions:
Religion contains the precious pearl of truth, so to speak, but it is always hiding it, and it is continually in danger of losing sight of its own essence. Religion can fall sick, it can become something destructive. It can and should lead us to truth, but it can also cut men off from truth … We may find it relatively easy to criticize the religion of others, but we must be ready to accept criticism of ourselves and of our own religion. (…) In Christianity, Karl Barth [Protestant] distinguished between religion and faith … [He] was right in the sense that the religion of a Christian can fall sick and become a superstition: a concrete religion in which faith is profoundly lived must be constantly purified on the basis of truth, the truth which, on the one hand, appears in faith, on the other hand, it reveals itself again through dialogue, allowing us to recognize its mystery and infinity. – “Many Religions – One Covenant” (1998), pp. 110-111
He also completely rejected the teaching of the Catholic Church that there is one true Church beyond which there is no salvation and, hence, he rejected the necessity of converting dissenters:
In the future, missionary activity can not depend on simply passing on to someone who has no knowledge of God at all, what he must believe in. – “Many Religions – One Covenant” (1998), p. 112
The Catholic Church has never been missionary in “conducting dialogue” with false religions and never recognizes the values contained in the false religions with which it meets, but aims only at converting people into the only true Catholic faith so that they can be saved and achieve eternal happiness.
During his last trip to Germany, he gave a heresy that was like an act of despair of the soul, feeling the eternal fire of hell approaching.
He tries to justify his agnostic, detached from the Catholic faith, immersed in mortal sin and heresy life:
… agnostics who struggle with the question of the existence of God are closer to the Kingdom of God than Catholics who have fallen into routine and whose hearts are unshaken by faith.