February 16, 2025 (Sunday)
Dominica in Septuagesima
(Septuagesima Sunday)
February 23, 2025 (Sunday)
Dominica in Sexagesima
(Sexagesima Sunday)
March 2, 2025 (Sunday)
Dominica in Quinquagesima
(Quinquagesima Sunday)
Pope Leo XIII – Encyclical “Mirae Caritatis”
Most abundant, assuredly, are the salutary benefits which are stored up in this most venerable mystery, regarded as a Sacrifice; a Sacrifice which the Church is accordingly wont to offer daily “for the salvation of the whole world.” (…) For it is ONLY in virtue of the death which Christ suffered that mencan satisfy, and that most abundantly, the demands of God’s justice, and canobtain the plenteous gifts of His clemency.
Pope Pius XII – Encyclical “Mediator Dei”
… one would be straying from the straight path were he to wish the altar restored to its primitive tableform; were he to want black excluded as a color for the liturgical vestments; were he to forbid the use of sacred images and statues in Churches; were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer’s body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings; and lastly were he to disdain and reject polyphonic music or singing in parts, even where it conforms to regulations issued by the Holy See.
The liturgy must be in harmony with the Catholic faith and must express it.
It’s not that the Catholic faith I own is one thing, and the rite of the Mass is the second thing. The Catholic is not allowed to participate in a neoplasm mass, nor even in the Mass “una cum” Bergoglio.
Better to die than add a pinch of incense to this ecumenical religion of the antichrist!
Pope Pius X – Motu Proprio “Tra le sollecitudini”
Sacred music must be holy, and must, therefore, exclude all profanity not only in itself, but in the manner in which it is presented by those who execute it. (…) The language proper to the Roman Church is Latin. Hence it is forbidden to sing anything whatever in the vernacular in solemn liturgical functions. (…) Singers in church have a real liturgical office, and that therefore women, being incapable of exercising such office, cannot be admitted to form part of the choir.
Pope Pius X – Encyclical “Humani generis”
It is not surprising that novelties of this kind have already borne their deadly fruit in almost all branches of theology. It is now doubted that human reason, without divine revelation and the help of divine grace, can, by arguments drawn from the created universe, prove the existence of a personal God; it is denied that the world had a beginning; it is argued that the creation of the world is necessary, since it proceeds from the necessary liberality of divine love; it is denied that God has eternal and infallible foreknowledge of the free actions of men …
The Oath against modernism
I firmly embrace and accept each and every definition that has been set forth and declared by the unerring teaching authority of the Church. (…)
I sincerely hold that the doctrine of faith was handed down to us from the apostles through the orthodox Fathers in exactly the same meaning and always in the same purport.